Yoga + Pint

60 minutes

Reserve your space

Join in some Joyful Movement and Gentle Flow Yoga + a pint of your favorite beverage.
All abilities and experience welcome.
Early bird pricing $20. Day of event $25.

Liabillity Waiver

To meet insurance requirements, please complete the form below prior to booking.

Once this form is completed, you will be taken to a booking page to reserve your spot.

In any physical activity, risk of serious physical injury is possible. Yoga and other activity is no substitute for medical diagnosis and/or treatment. The student assumes the risk of yoga or other activity and releases the teacher(s) Christy Wilson and Joy In All Bodies Yoga from any liability claims.

I am aware of the physical risks involved with exercise and understand it is my personal responsibility to consult with my doctor regarding my participation. I have no medical conditions that I am aware of, which would prevent me from taking part in classes or workshops, and I assume responsibility for any risk or injury I may sustain as a result of my participation. I have read the above release and waiver of liability and understand its contents. I understand that it is my responsibility to find a pace that suits me.
I agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

Signature below (electronic)


Submitting this form will take you to our booking page where you can reserve your spot.

If you do not receive a copy of this form within 30 minutes of completion, please email for support.